FileZilla FTP server configuration

FTP server is required for various purpose by administrators, users, it may be needed for file backup, restoration of any configuration of a device. One of the opensource FTP server is Filezilla, It offers client and server. In this post we will learn configuration of Filezilla FTP Server.

Note: If IIS FTP services are running on the windows then we need to disable them as there would be port conflict.

FileZilla Server Installation:

Download the FileZilla server setup file from the link . Click on Download FileZilla Server.

Once you click on the Download option you would be given three options. Select the free one

Download free option

Double Click on the downloaded file to start the installation

double click on installed file

Click on yes to start the installation

select yes to start the installation

Click on I agree

Click on I agree

Leave the default option select and click on Next:

installation options.

Choose the installation option.

Installation location

start menu folder icon.

Leave options as default

install as service

Leave the port as default and define a password

define port and password

admin setting

installation complete

Configuration of FileZilla Server

Start the FileZilla Administer interface from start menu.

Click on connect to server and enter the password created during installation.

connect to server

Now the server have started, we need to configure a user and define a path used by filezilla sever to serve the file on ftp.

Click on server and select configure

Select Users and Rights management:

Click on Add to create a new user to login into the FTP server

Now create a new folder under downloads or where we want. This folder will be used to download and upload files to the FTP server.

We have created a folder named as FTP.

Copy the folder path by clicking on bar as shown in figure

Now this is important step:

  • Enable the user
  • Type password for user
  • Under virtual patch type /
  • Under native path paste the path copied in earlier step
  • Under mount options give permission as required, If we want to allow download and upload of file then give Read+Write, If only read permission need to be given then select read only.

Now the Filezilla FTP server configuration is complete and we can connect to the ftp server using a FTP client.

access ftp server

enter login creds

file server folder

We can see the logs under the server administration interface:

FileZilla FTP server configuration complete. Check the logs in administer panel

Note: If we are installing filezilla ftp server on a domain joined machine then we might not be able to connect from some 3rd machine due to domain policies.

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